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Humanitarian Projects – Nambia

memories for a lifetime

Namibia- Humanitarian Projects

Namibia Education Assistant Project

The project is passionate that very child deserves the right to an education, and provides a positive learning environment for children to expand their knowledge and gain an understanding of the importance of education in their futures

our commitment

What we do

SAVE Volunteering is a Non-Profit Organisation. We are NOT a booking agent: we run, manage and fund all of our Humanitarian and Wildlife Projects with the help of volunteers. We believe in transparent and sustainable programs that impact our local community and wildlife.

our commitment

Responsible Volunteering

Responsible volunteering projects are based on the needs, priorities and aspirations of communities where they take place, and delivered in collaboration with the community, with sustainability in mind. They are responsibly managed to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the community as well as of the volunteers.

Let's Talk